The truth about FICTIVE
FICTIVE is a literary art magazine
the art of fiction
the craft of criticism
Editorial ideas for contributors:
1. Reviews
Written from fictional perspectives, under chosen pseudonyms (bylines may include the author's real names) focusing on literature, art, cinema, music, etc., already released, or published. Inhabit creative works as a Fictive writer disguised among their worlds and characters, themes and aesthetics.
Written from the nonfictional perspectives of authors, under personal, or professional names, only the literature, art, cinema, music, etc., reviewed does not exist, is unpublished or unreleased. (Non)Fictive pieces critique new ideas, as if they were produced, published, released then reviewed.
2. Interviews
Interviews with news junkies and bookworms who read in at least three languages. Polyglots interviews should be themed to a political event, or work of art, to consider how language barriers and bridges are built and disintegrate in the minds of those who see the writing on the wall and read between the lines.
The spoken voice, as oration and storytelling, be they the pre-, post-, a- and illiterate among us are rich with stories. They are elders and children, the unschooled and unassimilated, the daily conversationalist and wise recluse who speak their truth to the moment.
3. Essays
Fictive essays theorize and satirize new, critical and creative approaches to writing about culture. They may take on a weightier, sharper tone of news analysis in an age of misinformation and fakery, or a blunter edge that lights on the tragedies and comedies of failure and success in the arts and culture field.
4. Literature & Art
Short fiction, poetry and art, in any and all forms and media, may grace the pages of Fictive Mag, especially those pieces and works that appreciate meta-conscious approaches to creativity, critiquing the primacy of authorial authority and reorienting the social balances of subjectivity
rethinking the facts, rewriting the fictions